Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Going to the Places that Scare You

I started a new job yesterday and have a buddhist nun, Pema Chodron, and my friends to thank for it.  I left teaching philosophy behind to return to my roots, working directly with people who truly need support.  Its been a while since my stint working as a case manager for people without homes in Chicago.  I was younger then and had more verve, or, at least, nerve.  This time around, I was offered a job working as a case manager for people with a dual diagnosis of a developmental disability and a mental illness.  Despite my past work experience, I hesitated.  I wasn't sure if I was up to the task.  My friends, however, had confidence for me.  With that belief in my ability and Pema Chodron's advice in Going to the Places that Scare You audio book, I took the plunge.